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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Submission has not been published previously, nor has it been presented to any other journal.
  • The file is in Word format.
  • The text's length is between 6000 and 8000 words, double spaced, and includes five tables or images at most.
  • The title is precise and not longer than fifteen words.
  • The text includes an abstract of no more than one-hundred words; it is turned in in Spanish and in English and includes: aim of article, design and methodology, results, limitations or implications, mentions its originality or value and findings or conclusions.
  • The text includes four to eight keywords not in title.
  • Verbatim quotes and bibliographic references meet conditions included in Editorial Criteria.

Author Guidelines

Editorial Criteria

Alteridades is an editorial space for the publication of original research papers, theoretical reflections and book reviews within the field of social anthropology and ethnology.

The journal accepts unpublished work that must be submitted in a Word file (not PDF) following the link below: . It may also be sent as an attachment to this email address:

Please add the following author's information: full name, position, institutional address, telephone number, fax number, email, and, in case of your paper's acceptance, letter authorizing its use in both printed and electronic formats.

Papers should be between six thousand and eight thousand words, double-spaced. Works may include a maximum of five images or tables, separately attached, numbered, clearly indicating their position in paper.

Article titles should be precise, provide a clear idea of topic covered, and be under fifteen words.

An abstract no longer than one-hundred words must be added, in both Spanish and English, and should indicate: aim of article, design and methodology, results, limitations or implications, and findings or conclusions, as well as four to eight keywords not included in title. This requirement must be met for paper to be published.

Notes should be numbered and included as footnotes. They should only include the bibliography quoted in text and, whenever possible, the DOI of all quotes.  

Verbatim quotes and bibliographic references must be presented as follows: name of author, year of edition and page number placed in parenthesis (Adams, 1983: 107), and should be listed in alphabetical order at the end, including, in the case of books: name of author (beginning by surname), year of publication (of the edition used), book title, editorial house, city, and page number. For example:

Zárate Vidal, Margarita del Carmen (2012) Resistencias en movimiento de dignidad, deseo y emociones. Una mirada antropológica. UAM/Juan Pablos Editor, México, 168 pp.

If quoting an article: author's name, year of publication, article title in quotations, in journal title, editorial house and city where published, page numbers. For example:
Díaz Cruz, Rodrigo (2014) "Cuerpos desgarrados, vidas precarias: violencia, ritualización, performance" en Alteridades, año 24, núm. 48, Departamento de Antropología, UAM-I, México, pp. 71-83.

When including electronic webpages, the specific address should be included (not general webpages), in addition to the date viewed. For example:

Portal, María Ana (2013) “El desarrollo urbano y su impacto en los pueblos originarios en la Ciudad de México”, en Alteridades, julio-diciembre <> [10 de noviembre de 2016].

Papers that do not fulfill these requirements will not be taken into consideration.  

All articles will be pre-evaluated by the Editorial Committee to gauge whether or not they should be sent to two peer reviewers.

In the case of acceptance, articles will be published after undergoing language use editing, in line with the editorial guidelines of the journal.

In every case, the Editorial Committee and peer reviewer's decisions are final. 

The author explicitly authorizes distribution of the article in electronic media once his/her paper is published in the journal.

Original submissions will not be sent back.

Privacy Statement

Names and electronic addresses published in this journal will be used exclusively towards aims established in it, and will not be distributed to third parties for use towards other objectives.