No. 58 (2019): Antropología, violencia y emociones

The politics of hate in Brazil

John Gledhill
Universidad De Manchester

Published 2019-12-04


  • policy of hate,
  • far-right,
  • social resentment,
  • neoliberal capitalism,
  • ethnographical perspectives from below,
  • Brazil
  • ...More

How to Cite

Hita, M. G., & Gledhill, J. (2019). The politics of hate in Brazil. Alteridades, (58).


The social impacts of neoliberal capitalism combined with colonial legacies have supported the instrumentalization of a politics of resentment on the part of the far-right in many countries. With an ethnographic perspective, we explore in depth how a politics of hate implanted itself in contemporary Brazilian society. With data from a low-income community in Brazil, we analyse the development of the strong polarization that began in 2016, within and between different social classes, which served as the basis for a notable electoral victory by the far-right.


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