No. 60 (2020): Política cultural, crisis y COVID 19

Culture and austerity. An ethnographical analysis of an Argentine cultural program

Elodie Bordat-Chauvin
Institut d’Etudes Européennes – Paris 8 (CRESPPA LabTop)

Published 2020-12-09


  • sociocultural program,
  • Argentina,
  • ethnography,
  • Hirschman,
  • budgetary austerity

How to Cite

Bordat-Chauvin, E. (2020). Culture and austerity. An ethnographical analysis of an Argentine cultural program. Alteridades, 30(60).


This contribution analyzes the effects of extreme austerity on cultural policies during Mauricio Macri’s presidency. Based on Albert Hirschman’s 1970-developed theoretical framework and Bajoie’s 1988 amendments, this article discusses the different types of behavior that were observed during several-months-long participant observation in an Argentine Ministry of Culture program which had its funding gradually taken away. “Loyalty” is the preferred option of those actors who believe they have significant power to change the course of the organization they are in, “apathy” is the one chosen by those who think they don’t have that power and cannot leave the organization, “voice” or protest by those who think the course can be changed by alerting sectors outside the organization, finally “exit” by those who believe they can no longer change the course they disagree with.


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