No. 60 (2020): Política cultural, crisis y COVID 19

Cultural spaces and museums under the October 2019 Chilean social boom: experiences, lessons, and projections

Tomás Peters
Universidad de Chile, Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen

Published 2020-12-09


  • Chilean Spring,
  • public sphere,
  • cultural centers,
  • museums,
  • territory

How to Cite

Peters, T. (2020). Cultural spaces and museums under the October 2019 Chilean social boom: experiences, lessons, and projections. Alteridades, 30(60).


This article analyses how museums and cultural centers based close to the “zone 0” of the Chilean Spring of 2019-2020, responded in its organizational operability and decision-making during the first months (from 18 October 2019 until February 2020). Considered as public and cultural deliberative spheres, this article analyses how these organizations acted during the development of the marches, protests and events of the revolt in its territories and communities. In doing so, this research developed a number of semi-structured interviews (N: 13) to members of the museums and cultural centers based in the more conflictive and violent area. The results show that the museums and cultural centers with public and hierarchical dependency tended to stablish a distant relationship during the Chilean Spring, meanwhile the privates and independent ones promoted a territorial link as well as a collaborative and creative one with the protesters and contingent communities.


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