No. 62 (2021): Epistemologías antropológicas en contextos de violencias
Anthropological Research

Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program. A perspective from the Anthropology of the state

Karla Angelica Valenzuela Moreno
Universidad Iberoamericana-Departamento de Estudios Internacionales
Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte

Published 2021-11-30


  • Transnational workers programs,
  • Canadian agroindustry,
  • Mexico-Canada migration,
  • governmentality

How to Cite

Valenzuela Moreno, K. A., & Díaz Mendiburo, A. (2021). Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program. A perspective from the Anthropology of the state. Alteridades, (62).


The Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) between Mexico and Canada is part of a global strategy of labor mobility, which aims to mobilize offshore labor from the Global South in order to increase the flexibility of working conditions. The objective of the article is to analyze the power manifestations that states implement to control the SAWP workers, using data collected from a longitudinal ethnographic study conducted in Mexico and Canada. Even though there are several academic studies about the SAWP, the originality of this text resides in its theoretical approach, which is that of the Anthropology of the state. A limitation of the study resides in the general findings of the workers’ reactions in relation to such state domination, a topic which needs further analysis. As a result, we identified three main power mechanisms: the social construction of subjects, disciplining the workers and making them resposible for their conditions and the enforcement of transnational governmentality through mass media.


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