No. 59 (2020): (Des)estabilidad social y diversidades


Emanuel Rodriguez Dominguez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Centro de Estudios Antropológicos

Published 2020-06-24


  • Society,
  • individual,
  • intercommunity,
  • diversity,
  • collective action,
  • sexual citizenship
  • ...More

How to Cite

Rodriguez Dominguez, E. (2020). Presentation. Alteridades, (59).


The present number of Alteridades opens with five articles that make up a dossier focused on the analysis of some contemporary socio-anthropological processes, which constitute creative exercises of theoretical reflection and ethnographic approaches in relation to multiple problems that occur in areas of condensation Differentiated. A common axis of the opening texts is their commitment to delocalize theoretical concepts that have pre-prioritized anthropological and sociological approaches individual-society, inter-community exchange processes, diversity in urban areas, women's collective action and the emergence of sexual citizenship. Such offshoring is based on a relational practice (mostly anchored in ethnography) which does not necessarily lead de facto to the adoption of the views of peoples or communities interacting with them, but is committed to the acceptance and understanding of different life forms, while also showing the character of any theoretical category that orients directly or indirectly an investigation.


  1. Butler, Judith (2012) “La alianza de los cuerpos y la política de la calle”, en Debate Feminista, vol. 46, pp. 91-113.
  2. Cañedo, Monserrat (2013) “Introducción”, en Monserrat Cañedo (ed.), Cosmopolíticas. Perspectivas antropológicas, Trotta, Madrid, pp. 9-23.
  3. Leach, Edmund R. (1976) Sistemas políticos de la Alta Birmania, Anagrama, Barcelona.
  4. Sartre, Jean-Paul (1987) Sartre en el Brasil. Filosofía e ideología del existencialismo, La Oveja Negra, Bogotá.
  5. Strathern, Marilyn (2004) Partial Connections, Altamira Press, Nueva York.