Two approaches of a socio-environmental conflict: the case of Repechique in northern Mexico
Published 2023-04-11
- Raramuri,
- ontology,
- indigenous peoples,
- forests,
- Chihuahua
- territory ...More
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This paper aims to analyze two proposed approaches of a socio-environmental conflict generated by logging permits affecting the Repechique community of the Raramuri indigenous people in Chihuahua, Mexico. The first approach is to understand the conflict as a struggle for the unequal control of natural resources located in their territory; the second approach is to understand the conflict as ontological controversies that visualize a fundamental difference on what is the issue in conflict. Through both theoretical approaches, I present an analysis that accounts for the case, the conflict, and its implications. As a result, I conclude with a call to complement both approaches in order to capture the political, economic, and ontological implications of studying socio-environmental conflicts.
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