No. 64 (2022): Políticas de justicia y reparación

Analysis of Context. A strategic-use tool for the search of disappeared people

Rita Canto Vergara
Investigadora independiente

Published 2022-11-03


  • disappearance,
  • Mexico,
  • victims,
  • organized crime,
  • social justice,
  • human rights
  • ...More

How to Cite

Canto Vergara, R. (2022). Analysis of Context. A strategic-use tool for the search of disappeared people. Alteridades, 32(64).


The Analysis of Context is a tool of strategic use for the communities of relatives in search of their missing loved ones, which allows to know how the social construction of the victims has taken place in those territories haunted by the phenomenon of the massive disappearance of people. By bringing into the light all the elements that intervene in the planning, strategy, intentionality and systematicity with which different agents tolerate, facilitate, reproduce and establish this phenomenon as a historical exercise of discrimination and impunity, is possible to know in depth illegal and hostile territories, where serious human rights violations are committed, and where it is extremely difficult to approximate to the magnitude of the humanitarian tragedy due the different forms of obstruction exercised, among others, by the State agents.


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