No. 65 (2023): Ecología y comunidad

Contemporaneity, presences and ethnic futures: The case of the Ñuu Savi population

Luis Nicolás Olivos Santoyo
Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México
Norma Angélica Bautista Santiago
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Published 2023-04-11


  • ethnic recognition,
  • Mixtecs,
  • construction of the local,
  • social networks

How to Cite

Olivos Santoyo, L. N., & Bautista Santiago, N. A. (2023). Contemporaneity, presences and ethnic futures: The case of the Ñuu Savi population. Alteridades, 33(65).


ence, and contemporaneity of the Mixtec ethnicity. To do so, we frame our understanding under the shelter of two concepts currently discussed in anthropology: futures and contemporaneity. We contrast these ideas with the information obtained from recording different fields where the presence of men and women who recognize themselves as Mixtecs is manifested: digital social networks, the panorama of contemporary artists and creators, as well as the streets and squares of Mexico City and its Metropolitan Zone. We maintain that this present of Mixtec ethnicity configures a scope of possibilities that orient it towards its future. A future made possible by the construction of the local from new digital resources and by the presence of the Mixtec being in the scenarios opened by globalization, which allows them to maintain their ethnicity in force.



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