No. 66 (2023): Pensar los cuerpos

Bodily presence

Adriana Guzmán
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Published 2023-09-26


  • presence studies,
  • Jean Chateau,
  • Mark Johnson,
  • cognitive sciences,
  • aesthetic

How to Cite

Guzmán, A. (2023). Bodily presence. Alteridades, (66).


The epistemological turn that began in the mid-twentieth century has promoted studies on presence that have been understood in various ways, one of which is the presence of the body in cognitive processes. Without pretending to exhaust the subject or suppose that it is the only possibility to approach it, the objective of this text is to reflect on it from the work of Jean Chateau, seen in the light of the contributions of Mark Johnson, to observe the depth of the appeal’s implication to the presence of the body, as well as notes that are directed towards understanding the aesthetic from this perspective, a topic that has not yet been fully addressed.




  1. Ballestero, Manuel (1985) El devenir y la apariencia, Anthropos, Barcelona, 133 pp.
  2. Chateau, Jean (1976) Las fuentes de lo imaginario, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Madrid, 348 pp. [1972].
  3. Guzmán, Adriana (2017) “El don. Reconsideraciones sobre la mimesis”, en Adriana Guzmán, Rodrigo Díaz Cruz y Anne Johnson, Dilemas de la representación: presencias, performance, poder, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia/Juan Pablos Editor, Ciudad de México, pp. 125-167.
  4. Johnson, Mark (1991) El cuerpo en la mente, Debate, Madrid, 314 pp. [1987].
  5. Johnson, Mark (2008) The Meaning of the Body. Aesthetics of Human Understanding, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 222 pp.
  6. Kogan, Jacobo (1982) Filosofía de la imaginación. Función de la imaginación en el arte, la religión y la filosofía, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 270 pp.
  7. Lakoff, George y Mark Johnson (2009) Metáforas de la vida cotidiana, Cátedra, Madrid, 286 pp. [1986].
  8. Leroi-Gourhan, André (1971) El gesto y la palabra, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, 398 pp.
  9. Sanfélix Vidarte, Vicente (2007) “Percepción”, en Fernando Broncano (ed.), La mente humana, Trotta, Madrid, pp. 333-351