Otomi visual representations of illness and death in the early 21st century
Published 2024-05-27 — Updated on 2024-08-07
- 2024-08-07 (4)
- 2024-07-12 (3)
- 2024-07-04 (2)
- 2024-05-27 (1)
- Colectivo Jäit’sibi,
- graffiti de escritores,
- transrealidad,
- transculturalidad,
- transubjetividad
- transmedialidad ...More
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This article analyzes the construction process of two murals created by the Colectivo Jäit’sibi, with the main objective of identifying different cultures and levels of cultural reality to which the collective members belong. The results demonstrate how such elements are amalgamated into visual statements, materialized through the graffiti writers practice, on walls located in communities of the Otomi-Tepehua Sierra. Its originality lies in the construction of a transdisciplinary analysis model that allows for the recognition of writer graffiti as one of the levels inherent to the ñuhu transreality. This leads to the conclusion that the artistic texts created by the collective are transcultural, as multiple levels of reality coexist transversally. What is depicted on the walls circulates as analog images and on the internet, and thanks to the mechanisms of transmediality, circulates as digital visual images.
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