No. 68 (2024): Aproximaciones a la noche urbana

Night and darkness in the hunt for gay sex

Salvador Cruz Sierra
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Published 2024-08-29


How to Cite

Cruz Sierra, S. (2024). Night and darkness in the hunt for gay sex. Alteridades, 34(68).


The night and his metaphors in gay cruising, as a politic practice, like the appropriation and/or adaptation of public, semi-public or semi-private spaces for anonymous and fortuitous sex. As a replica of the night, of the covert and the proscribed, the dark room is instituted that recreates the night atmosphere during the day. This practice is interpreted as a political and liberating act, which paradoxically continues to resort to nightlife as a veil that conceals reminiscences of the ostracism, marginality and stigma of homosexuality in our society, which keeps it in the place of deviation with its burden of homophobia.