No. 54 Jul-Dic (2017): Presencias de lo insólito: estudios del performance
Anthropological Research

Tourism and Governmentality in Ek Balam: being Mayan in a Neoliberal Context

Yassir Rodríguez Martínez
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Published 2017-12-04


  • government,
  • farmer,
  • authenticity,
  • Yucatan

How to Cite

Rodríguez Martínez, Y. (2017). Tourism and Governmentality in Ek Balam: being Mayan in a Neoliberal Context. Alteridades, 27(54 Jul-Dic). Retrieved from


This paper analyzes the management that several agents articulated to the State’s
duties carry out in the Mayan communities of Ek Balam, so that the population can integrate tourism in their lifestyles. As a part of this analysis, it examines the production of discourses about being a Maya, which correspond to the interests of external agents. It is concluded that the introduction of tourism and the production
of ethnic representations are elements of a government practice in which a  productive power of new subjectivities, necessities and desires are expressed.


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