No. 53 Ene-Jun (2017): Afectividad y construcción de sentido

Symbolic Anthropology of Emotions and Neuroscience

Juan Castaingts Teillery
Departamento de Economía y Antropología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa

Published 2017-04-04


  • feelings,
  • art,
  • values,
  • representations,
  • signs,
  • syntagma,
  • paradigm
  • ...More

How to Cite

Castaingts Teillery, J. (2017). Symbolic Anthropology of Emotions and Neuroscience. Alteridades, (53 Ene-Jun). Retrieved from


A study of emotions from the symbolic anthropology point of view, considering that signs are not only signifiers with plural meanings, but also contain an emotional statement. An assessment content of signs in the social process is analyzed, insisting on the emotions that generate in the emitter as well as in the receiver. A relation is established between symbolic anthropology and neuroscience of emotions, and its application to the study of the arts is carried out.


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