No. 53 Ene-Jun (2017): Afectividad y construcción de sentido

The Place of the Affective Dimension in the Acquisition of the Mother Language

Edith Calderón Rivera
Profesora del DOCTORADO EN ANTROPOLOGÍA SOCIAL DE LA ENAH e investigadora invitada en el Departamento de Antropología, UAM-I.

Published 2017-04-04


  • emotions,
  • subjectivity,
  • infans,
  • child,
  • subject,
  • speech,
  • communication,
  • socialization
  • ...More

How to Cite

Calderón Rivera, E. (2017). The Place of the Affective Dimension in the Acquisition of the Mother Language. Alteridades, (53 Ene-Jun). Retrieved from


This paper proposes that the affective dimension plays a fundamental role in the acquisition of language. Four moments of the cultural and psychic make-up process of the new subject have been identified: in the first two, the concept of infans refers to those subjects who have not yet acquired language and are in a  symbolizable domain; in the third, the word infant refers to the human being who already possesses a language and is inside of symbolism’s domain; and in the fourth and last, the word child is used for the subject capable of understanding what is symbolized.



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