No. 55 Ene-Jun (2018): Justicia y derechos indígenas en México y Ecuador
Anthropological Research

Stratified Reproduction and Obstetric Violence in Public Services of Reproductive Health

Itzel Adriana Sosa Sánchez

Published 2018-04-05


  • sexual and reproductive rights,
  • reproductive practices,
  • contraception,
  • childbirth,
  • structural violence

How to Cite

Sosa Sánchez, I. A. (2018). Stratified Reproduction and Obstetric Violence in Public Services of Reproductive Health. Alteridades, 28(55 Ene-Jun).


A qualitative investigation suggesting the social existence of coercive and tax practices –with different degrees of obstetric violence–as updating mechanisms of diverse hierarchies and social inequalities during the care of reproductive proceedings. These practices express a stratification of the reproduction, which tends to value certain practices and reproductive decisions (and maternities) as desirable or undesirable. Women’s experiences in public services of reproductive health are an extension and an expression of broader experiences of structural violence, inequality and dominating relations.


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