No. 56 Jul-dic (2018): Entre fronteras. Ciudadanía, migración e identidad

The Border: An Altered Stat e Boundary

Zenia Yébenes Escardó
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa, Departamento de Humanidades

Published 2018-08-02


  • secret,
  • delirium,
  • conspiracy,
  • limit

How to Cite

Yébenes Escardó, Z. (2018). The Border: An Altered Stat e Boundary. Alteridades, (56 Jul-dic).


This article links the border, as the border of a State, to the idea of an altered State, and place the political at the heart of the psychological and the psychological at the heart of the political. An altered State produces altered conditions in the citizens who have an air of family with the psychotic crisis specially when the delirium is about the power and its violence. The difference between the two experiences (the altered State and the psychotic crisis) is played on two aspects: the relation of these frontiers to discourses and the relation of borders to secrecy.


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