No. 55 Ene-Jun (2018): Justicia y derechos indígenas en México y Ecuador

Discrimination and Coloniality in Rafael Correa’s Ecuador (2007-2017)

Carmen Martínez Novo
Chair of the Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples Section of the Latin American Studies Association University of Kentucky

Published 2018-04-05


  • ventriloquism,
  • racism,
  • colonialism,
  • decolonial turn,
  • Andes,
  • indigenous people
  • ...More

How to Cite

Martínez Novo, C. (2018). Discrimination and Coloniality in Rafael Correa’s Ecuador (2007-2017). Alteridades, 28(55 Ene-Jun).


Two forms of discrimination against indigenous people in Ecuador are examined: ventriloquism, when non-indigenous people speak on behalf of indigenous people; and public racism, when State authorities use repression based on the humiliations
practiced in their colonial past. The example of ventriloquism discussed is the concept of good living, or Sumak Kawsay, during Rafael Correa’s government. The examples of public racism are taken from the repressive practices of the security forces of the regime. This article also reflects on the role of some decolonial scholars in informing and promoting the policies of the government of Rafael Correa towards indigenous peoples and the environment. It is argued that while these academics have called the regime decolonial, its ventriloquist and repressive practices are based on a repertoire with deep colonial roots.


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