Núm. 48 Jul-Dic (2014): Antropología y performance

I swear I saw this Drawings in fieldwork notebooks, namely my own

Camilo Sempio Durán
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
Antropología y performance

Publicado 2014-10-15

Palabras clave

  • Michael Taussig,
  • narración,
  • escritura,
  • retrato,
  • dibujo,
  • registro etnográfico
  • ...Más

Cómo citar

Sempio Durán, C. (2014). I swear I saw this Drawings in fieldwork notebooks, namely my own. Alteridades, (48 Jul-Dic). Recuperado a partir de https://alteridades.izt.uam.mx/index.php/Alte/article/view/819


Reseña del libro de Michael Taussig, I swear I saw this. Drawings in fieldwork notebooks, namely my own, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011, 173 pp.






  1. Taussig, Michael (2011), I swear I saw this. Drawings in fieldwork notebooks, namely my own, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 173 pp.