No. 61 (2021): Antropología médica latinoamericana: perspectivas sobre la COVID-19
Anthropological Research

Notes for a symbolic analysis of the tourist experience

Martha Marivel Mendoza Ontiveros
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Rafael Hernández Espinosa
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
María Verónica Ruiz Conde
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Published 2021-06-13


  • Key words,
  • anthropology,
  • rites of passage,
  • liminality,
  • communitas,
  • tourism,
  • recreation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Mendoza Ontiveros, M. M., Hernández Espinosa, R., & Ruiz Conde, M. V. (2021). Notes for a symbolic analysis of the tourist experience. Alteridades, (61).


The object of this paper is to propose a structuralist symbolic analysis model based on the dichotomy of everyday time/space versus tourism time/space and its relationship with the recreation/sparing dimension. A bibliographic review of studies that analyze the tourist experience was carried out, in which, on the one hand, a high recurrence to the conceptual model of rites of passage and liminality was identified and, on the other, the need to rethink some aspects of such approaches. In particular, the author proposes adopting the idea of liminoid rather than liminality, as well as to move from a functionalist approach to a structuralist one. The proposed model allows, in theory, to meet these needs and, it is hoped that in the light of empirical information, it will constitute a useful way to explore tourism practices with greater specificity.



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