No. 68 (2024): Aproximaciones a la noche urbana

Producing Nocturnities: Rock and Fandango Scenes in Xalapa, Veracruz

Elissa Rashkin
Universidad Veracruzana
Homero Ávila Landa
Universidad Veracruzana

Published 2024-08-29 — Updated on 2024-08-30



  • cultural production, ,
  • ethnography of nocturnities, ,
  • cultural temperatures, ,
  • electrification, ,
  • night studies

How to Cite

Rashkin, E., & Ávila Landa, H. (2024). Producing Nocturnities: Rock and Fandango Scenes in Xalapa, Veracruz. Alteridades, 34(68), 25–36. (Original work published August 29, 2024)


This article presents a proposal to study cultural practices that occur in urban spaces at socially specific times:
during the nights and towards weekends. We explore
the musical scenes of rock and fandango jarocho in the
city of Xalapa, Veracruz, through their technocultural
history, with the aim of describing and differentiating them in terms of forms and possibilities for the production of localized nocturnities. To structure the analysis, different cultural temperatures are established according to our nomenclature: cold, temperate, and hot orders, the last of which is intense and diverse, concentrating collective practices and identifications. These orders correspond to a practical division of the week, but they also allow for various ways of managing time and, consequently, constructing community. This is an initial work in the emerging field of sociocultural studies of the night, focused on the dynamics that produce urban cultural diversity